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Our world is experiencing a polycrisis that encompasses political conflicts, social changes and the challenges of digitalization. In addition, companies are facing many new difficulties, from working across generations and national borders to the need for a more digital focus. In order to master these challenges, it is important that all forces are well bundled and that all employees can contribute their strengths in the best possible way. Our value proposition at ATES Qabud® is to support companies in this process via our ATES Space on-demand, i.e. according to their individual needs and when they need it most.

Remote Consulting

On-Demand Service

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Tailor-made support for companies in the poly crisis

Polycrisis is probably the best way to describe our world and the challenges it faces. Polycrisis encompasses many different aspects, from political conflicts and massive social changes to the disruptions caused by increasing digitalization. All of this presents companies with ever new challenges, in addition to those that already exist due to the particularities of working across generations and countries, securing the future of traditional and family businesses, the shortage of skilled workers, the development of new international markets and the digitalization of business models and processes.

Companies can best master the complexity of all these challenges if they act as a unit in which every employee can optimally develop their individual resources and potential in the right role and task and everyone pulls together. Providing sound support for this process on the basis of our successful ATES Spirit® consulting system – that is our service promise of the Sales & Team Leader Transformation by ATES Qabud®.

The Sales & Team Leader Transformation´s on-demand service is available to your employees in key positions via our ATES Space – six days a week, from 6 a.m. until 12 p.m.. Whenever they need “just in pain” advice on specific problems in their day-to-day work, they can contact us via chat or phone and you’ll immediately receive tailor-made support.

The advantages of ATES Qabud® are obvious:


As an entrepreneur, you know that your management team is in safe hands. You no longer have to micromanage, e.g. to resolve conflicts in individual teams, but can devote yourself fully to your actual task: Successfully steering your company through turbulent waters.


Your employees in key positions always have a competent buddy at their side. They can also address tricky challenges in their day-to-day work directly and constructively. This means they don’t have to drag problems around with them, but have their heads free to work on the company’s actual mission.


The most common reasons for changing jobs are a lack of promotion or poor management. This is now history for you. Your managers act as multipliers so that your entire team benefits from the Sales & Team Leader Transformation. Result: Your company acts as a unit and everyone pulls together for the success of the company.

Would you like to have the Qabud® Buddies by your side?

Then arrange a non-binding initial consultation with the ATES Qabud® team.

Making the good ones successful

In the 10-month Sales & Team Leader Transformation we are available to you and your management team in your day-to-day work. We don’t do this at fixed times, which managers are often reluctant to attend because day-to-day business is pressing, but “just in pain”, i.e. whenever it is necessary. This can be before, after and even during challenging meetings, in preparation for complex discussions or as a sparring partner for reflection when a team meeting has literally “gone pear-shaped”.

Our Qabud® Buddies are available all day via the ATES Space – which you can access on mobile and stationary computers – to clarify your urgent issues immediately and constructively. You can choose whether you prefer to chat, call or make an appointment at short notice for a more detailed video call.

Our Qabud® Buddies use the ATES Spirit® Toolbox for consulting. Here you will find tailor-made know-how for every use case from the areas of leadership, sales and team management, which can be applied to specific situations and immediately help you and your management team with your concerns.

In addition to our on-demand service, we never lose sight of the higher goal. At the beginning of our 10-month journey, we work together to define the goals you and your team want to achieve during the Sales & Team Leader Transformation. At the end of our time together, we will reflect on the extent to which you have successfully reached your next level.

It’s not just your managers who benefit from the Sales & Team Leader Transformation. They are multipliers for the entire workforce and your entire company will feel the added value created by the real-time support of Qabud® Buddies. Your company will be optimally equipped for the challenges of the 21st century and your team will be able to achieve your organization’s goals together and bring your high-performance reality to life.

With ATES Qabud®, you have access to experience gained from around 30 years of management consulting in more than 440 projects in the business world, intuitively prepared as consulting-as-a-service and made available for effective application in your day-to-day work. This turns supposedly difficult situations into a constructive and dynamic learning environment in which you can continue to transform both personally and in your professional role and task into self-organized high performers. Because we are not born as high performers, but we have it in our own hands to turn ourselves into high performers.

Sales & Team Leader Transformation at a glance

Consulting with a system
Service: Continuous application of a proven advisory system.
Advantage: Consistently high standard of advice – on-demand whenever you need it.

Immediate support
Service: On-call support in real time for everyday challenges.
Advantage: Problems do not become permanent ballast, but are tackled immediately.

Practical toolbox
Service: Access to practical tools for various scenarios in the day-to-day work of managers.
Benefit: Effective implementation of tailor-made solutions to solve individual problems effectively and immediately.

Tailor-made know-how
Service: Relevant knowledge from around 30 years of business experience, delivered in an intuitive way.
Benefit: Promotion of intrinsic motivation through continuous progress and the direct removal of blockages.

Holistic development
Service: A buddy who helps turn challenges into opportunities for personal and professional growth.
Benefit: Achieve self-organization and high performance in day-to-day business for your team and yourself.

On-demand consulting compared to conventional consulting

On-demand consulting is around 50 % more cost-effective than conventional management consulting and at the same time delivers significantly better results. Would you like to know exactly how it works? The ATES Qabud® team will be happy to explain it to you in a personal meeting.