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Become a successful New Talent.🚀

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Starting a career has rarely been more challenging than it is today. Laying the foundations for professional success in the midst of the digital revolution, not missing out on the best years of your life and not losing sight of the big picture in an increasingly dynamic world… This mass of challenges is unparalleled and makes it all the more difficult to successfully launch your career or even build your own business.

Being successful as a new professional is not just about working hard – it’s about working with the right system! ATES Thrive’s New Talent Transformation gives you the tools you need to lay the foundation for a successful career or build your business without giving up the best years of your life. You can both shape your future and enjoy your youth, and always have the inner certainty that you will be successful – as long as you use our proven ATES Spirit® System.

New Talent

Career Starter

New Entrepreneur

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What awaits you 🔍

The New Talent Transformation is tailor-made for you. We equip you with all the tools, know-how and insights you need to embark on your career or entrepreneurial journey with confidence.

The special thing about the New Talent Transformation is that we provide you with ATES Spirit®, a consulting system that has proven itself over almost 30 years in more than 440 consulting projects in the business world and from which 48,000 professionals have benefited to date. It is now time to pass on this powerful tool and knowledge to the next generation – to you!

The New Talent Transformation is all about hands-on experience. Dive deep into the topic in 1:1 sessions where you will be supported by our trained ATES Thrive consultants. They all once started where you are now and are here to guide you on your journey.

Learn at your own pace between sessions by exploring our interactive course materials. Homework? More like “growth work”. This allows you to practice and directly apply ATES Spirit®.

Whether you are planning a concrete start-up or are at the beginning of your corporate career: The New Talent Transformation is perfect for you to grow personally and professionally and reach your next level. Because we are not born as high performers, but we have it in our own hands to turn ourselves into high performers.

5 elements for your success: what's behind the New Talent Transformation

Our comprehensive program is designed to support new professionals like you to successfully launch your K5 elements for your success: what’s behind the New Talent transformation career or your own business. In just a few days, you will see how you change and apply modern entrepreneurial behaviors

Here is an overview of the key components of the program:

1. Financial Management

Financial management is not rocket science. Discover how to master the basics of budgeting, cash flow management and making good financial decisions. Learn the art of financial planning, financing strategies and investor relations to ensure your financial success.

Experience how you can make the digital age your own. Use its possibilities to move you forward.

The latest trends, tools and strategies in the fields of digital marketing, social media and online branding will help you do this.

Here we show you how to overcome the traditional “time versus money” mentality and fully utilize your personal resources. Successfully implement innovative approaches for building a company – either for your own business or for the start of a steep corporate career.

Your Network is Your Net Worth: Learn the art of making meaningful connections and strategic partnerships. Whether it’s like-minded young entrepreneurs, potential employers or innovative service partners – you’ll be amazed at what you can achieve with a solid network.

What is the purpose of your professional ambitions?
What positive impact do you want to create and what are your personal values? We help you to define and tackle your very own mission to combine spirit and material success in your career.


Financial Management

Financial management is not rocket science. Discover how to master the basics of budgeting, cash flow management and making good financial decisions. Learn the art of financial planning, financing strategies and investor relations to ensure your financial success.


Digital Lifestyle

Experience how you can make the digital age your own. Use its possibilities to move you forward.
The latest trends, tools and strategies in the fields of digital marketing, social media and online branding will help you do this.


Business Building

Here we show you how to overcome the traditional “time versus money” mentality and fully utilize your personal resources. Successfully implement innovative approaches for building a company – either for your own business or for the start of a steep corporate career.


Network Design

Your Network is Your Net Worth: Learn the art of making meaningful connections and strategic partnerships. Whether it’s like-minded young entrepreneurs, potential employers or innovative service partners – you’ll be amazed at what you can achieve with a solid network.


Young Talent Purpose

What is the purpose of your professional ambitions?
What positive impact do you want to create and what are your personal values? We help you to define and tackle your very own mission to combine spirit and material success in your career.

New Talent Transformation in a Nutshell

📍Premium advice
Service: A consulting system that has been tried and tested for 30 years is being opened up to the next generation.
Benefit: Benefit hands-on from the wealth of experience of our Thrive team.

🕖 Immediate support
Service: Available around the clock, rounded off with individual 1:1 sessions.
Benefit: Flexibly integrate ATES Spirit® into your everyday life and create your own dynamic learning experience.

🔨 Practical toolbox
Service: Our self-learning materials contain useful use cases directly from practice.
Benefit: You receive tools that you can implement straight away.

🔑 Tailor-made expertise
Service: Relevant knowledge from around 30 years of business experience, conveyed in an intuitive way.
Benefit: Experience continuous progress on your way to the next level.

📊 Well-founded development
Service: Meet the challenges of a new career with the perfect tools.
Benefit: Achieve your personal high-performance reality.

Are you ready for your personal New Talent Transformation?

Arrange a no-obligation initial consultation with the ATES Thrive team.

Ready to Thrive?🚀

New Talent Transformation

Would you like to build your corporate career on a sound system? Would you like to take the next steps in setting up your business? Are you a personnel developer and want to make the New Talent Transformation available to your junior staff? We look forward to getting to know you!

Voices of our Atesians