Why Sales Managers Should Watch Horror Movies

Let’s start today with an insight: We have an important internal claim: ATES – We are sales and the spark more. Because no matter how good a company is, offering great products and services, without sales nothing works, nothing will happen. That’s why our CEO Sevgi, a die-hard sales person through and through, attaches great […]

Business is relationship work

There are countless companies, industries, working methods, structures and goals. But they all have one thing in common: people. Behind every company there is a group of individuals who work collectively towards the company’s goals. As a manager of a company, you are always a manager of people. Relationship work is therefore essential if you […]

The laziest person often performs best

Innovations are not primarily about making things or the world better, but above all about making them simpler and saving our most precious commodity: time. And what do we do in our everyday (business) life? We waste it on the operational level. On the way to the next career level, to more salary, more sales, […]

It is not only young people who create the “young spirit” in companies

Can you study managing companies and leading people in theory or does it require a lot of practice and experience? I am now faced with this question a few weeks after completing my degree in International Business Management. And I can answer this question straight away with: both. The course, including the two integrated semesters […]

How to achieve and maintain peak performance even in the greatest crisis

In major crises, almost all areas of life are affected at once. The devil always shits on the biggest pile. Such crises occur on a personal level, in companies or – as is the case right now – even on a global level. How do we manage not just to survive in such an all-encompassing […]

Those who speak frankly get the best results

We often read that managers should be particularly empathetic. Of course, in addition to many other exorbitant qualities that they should have in theory and ideally also in practice. However, if we reflect honestly and have already been active as a “leader” ourselves, some of these must-haves of a perfect manager are useless or at […]